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Língua Inglesa: Choosing the Right Profession

Esta proposta de atividade de Língua Inglesa com base no DC/GO – Ampliado e é destinada aos estudantes do 8º Ano do Ensino Fundamental Anos Finais.

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Choosing the Right Profession

Choosing a profession is one of the most important decisions in life. It defines our future, influences our daily routine, and impacts our happiness and financial stability. Some people know from a young age what they want to be, while others take years to decide. Regardless of how the decision is made, it is essential to choose a career that aligns with our interests, skills, and values.
Some people dream of being doctors, dedicating their lives to saving people and improving healthcare. Others prefer to be teachers, guiding students and sharing knowledge that helps shape the future. Engineers play a crucial role in designing and building structures, from houses to bridges, making life safer and more efficient. Meanwhile, chefs bring joy through food, preparing delicious meals that bring people together in restaurants.
Many people choose to become lawyers because they want to defend justice, representing individuals and companies in legal matters. Others become artists, expressing creativity through painting, music, or theater. Scientists spend years working in laboratories, conducting experiments to discover new medicines, technologies, and scientific breakthroughs. Nurses provide essential care to patients, offering comfort and medical assistance in hospitals and clinics.
Some professions require extensive education and training. For example, architects must study for years to design buildings that are functional and aesthetically pleasing. Pilots undergo rigorous training to operate airplanes and ensure passengers travel safely. On the other hand, some careers, such as mechanics or electricians, require technical skills and hands-on experience rather than long academic studies.
The world of work is constantly evolving, and new professions are emerging due to technological advancements. Careers in information technology, such as software developers and data analysts, have become highly sought after in the digital age. Similarly, environmental careers like sustainability specialists and renewable energy engineers are growing as society becomes more conscious of climate change.
No matter the profession, the most important thing is to choose a job that brings fulfillment and allows personal and professional growth. Passion, dedication, and perseverance are key factors in achieving success in any field.
What profession do you want to have in the future? How do you think it will impact your life and the world around you?

Profession – Profissão
Doctor – Médico(a)
Teacher – Professor(a)
Engineer – Engenheiro(a)
Chef – Chef de cozinha
Lawyer – Advogado(a)
Artist – Artista
Scientist – Cientista
Nurse – Enfermeiro(a)
Architect – Arquiteto(a)
Pilot – Piloto
Mechanic – Mecânico(a)
Electrician – Eletricista
Hospital – Hospital
Passion – Paixão

Assista à videoaula sobre Jobs and Professions!

Fonte: Estúdio Conexão Escola

Leia o diálogo a seguir e responda as questões sobre o mesmo:

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O principal objetivo do diálogo é

(A) planejar um passeio escolar.

(B) discutir um projeto sobre carreiras futuras.

(C) resolver um problema na escola.

(D) contar sobre uma experiência de trabalho.


A expressão que Emma usa para esclarecer o prazo do projeto é

(A) I didn’t catch that. Can you repeat?

(B) next Monday. So, we have one week.

(C) in my opinion, it is not important.

(D) I think we should start today.


Liam resolve o mal-entendido sobre o prazo do projeto

(A) pedindo para Emma repetir a informação.

(B) ignorando a data e fazendo o projeto sozinho.

(C) decidido não participar do projeto dessa vez.

(D) pedindo ao professor uma nova explicação.


Reorganize as letras para descobrir a profissão correta:

HATCEER →  __________

OTRCDO →   __________

ENIGENRE → __________

SRUNE → __________

CTIATSRHCE → __________


Complete a cruzadinha com as profissões em inglês, de acordo com as dicas dadas: 

(1) Cuida de pessoas doentes.

(2) Pilota aviões.

(3) Cozinha refeições deliciosas.

(4) Projeta e constrói estruturas.

(5) Cria pinturas e desenhos.

AutoriaProfª Drª Sueidy Lourencio
FormaçãoLetras: Português/Inglês – Doutorado em Educação
Componente CurricularLíngua Inglesa
Habilidades(EF08LI06-A) Conhecer e analisar textos narrativos, como crônicas e outros, em versão original ou simplificada, para apreciar e valorizar o patrimônio cultural produzido em língua inglesa e projetar sonhos pessoais e profissionais sobre o futuro.
ReferênciasMAKAR, Barbara W. Primary Phonics. 1. ed. Chicago: Modern Curriculum Press, 2018.
KOUSTAFF, Lesley. Oxford Discover. 2. ed. v. 1. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2018.
FOLEY, Mike; HALL, Diane. New Total English Elementary student’s book, Essex: Pearson. Education Limited, 2011.