Esta proposta de atividade de Língua Inglesa com base no DC/GO – Ampliado e é destinada aos estudantes do 8º Ano do Ensino Fundamental Anos Finais.

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Understanding Suffixes in English
Suffixes are letters or groups of letters added to the end of a word to change its meaning or grammatical function. In English, suffixes are commonly used to form new words or to shift words from one part of speech to another. There are two main types of suffixes: derivational and inflectional.
1. Derivational Suffixes
Derivational suffixes change the meaning or category of a word. For example, adding the suffix -ness to the adjective happy turns it into the noun happiness, which now means the state or quality of being happy. Here are some common derivational suffixes in English:
- -ness: Turns an adjective into a noun.
- Example: dark → darkness (the state of being dark)
- -ful: Turns a noun into an adjective, meaning “full of.”
- Example: hope → hopeful (full of hope)
- -less: Turns a noun into an adjective, meaning “without.”
- Example: home → homeless (without a home)
- -er and -or: Often added to verbs to create nouns that refer to people or things that perform an action.
- Examples: teach → teacher (someone who teaches), create → creator (someone who creates)
2. Inflectional Suffixes
Inflectional suffixes modify a word’s tense, number, or comparison without changing its part of speech. They are commonly used in English for verbs, nouns, and adjectives. Here are some examples:
- -s and -es: Used to make nouns plural.
- Examples: book → books, bus → buses
- -ed: Used to indicate the past tense of regular verbs.
- Example: walk → walked
- -ing: Indicates the present participle form of a verb, often used for continuous tenses.
- Example: run → running
- -est: Forms the superlative degree of adjectives.
- Example: strong → strongest (the most strong)
Common Examples of Suffix Usage
Here are some words formed by adding suffixes:
- -ly: Changes an adjective to an adverb, meaning “in a manner of.”
- quick → quickly (in a quick manner)
- -able and -ible: Create adjectives meaning “capable of” or “worthy of.”
- read → readable (capable of being read), possess → possessible (able to be possessed)
- -ment: Forms nouns, indicating the result or process of an action.
- develop → development (the process of developing)
Suffixes are essential in English for building vocabulary and changing meanings, which allows for more precise communication. Whether used to create new words or adjust the form of existing ones, suffixes play a major role in the structure of the language.
Suffix – Sufixo
Meaning – Significado
Change – Mudança
Noun – Substantivo
Adjective – Adjetivo
Verb – Verbo
Plural – Plural
Example – Exemplo
Continuous – Contínuo
Comparison – Comparação
Past – Passado
Action – Ação
Form – Forma
Degree – Grau
Capable – Capaz
Leia a história em quadrinhos abaixo e responda as questões sobre a mesma:
Imagem criada no
Joyful – Alegre
Fearless – Destemido
Childish – Infantil
Suffix – Sufixo
Specialist – Especialista
O primeiro personagem do comic strips explica sobre o sufixo
(A) -less.
(B) -ful.
(C) -ish.
(D) -ologist.
No final do comic strips o quarto personagem brincam que eles são
(A) suffix-free.
(B) suffix-makers.
(C) suffix-ologists.
(D) suffix-adders.
Explique como o uso de sufixos diferentes, como -ful, -less e -ish, muda o significado das palavras na história em quadrinhos. Dê exemplos específicos de como esses sufixos influenciam o sentido da palavra base.
Forme novas palavras acrescentando um sufixo a cada palavra abaixo:
(A) Help:
(B) Play:
(C) Joy:
(D) Use:
(E) Peace:
Autoria | Profª Drª Sueidy Lourencio |
Formação | Letras: Português/Inglês – Doutorado em Educação |
Componente Curricular | Língua Inglesa |
Habilidades | (EF08LI13-A) Reconhecer sufixos e prefixos comuns utilizados na formação de palavras em língua inglesa, para inferir significados. |
Referências | MAKAR, Barbara W. Primary Phonics. 1. ed. Chicago: Modern Curriculum Press, 2018. KOUSTAFF, Lesley. Oxford Discover. 2. ed. v. 1. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2018. FOLEY, Mike; HALL, Diane. New Total English Elementary student’s book, Essex: Pearson. Education Limited, 2011. |