Esta proposta de atividade de Língua Inglesa com base no DC/GO – Ampliado e é destinada aos estudantes do 6º Ano do Ensino Fundamental Anos Finais.

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Understanding Subjective Pronouns
Subjective pronouns are an essential part of language. They are used to replace nouns that act as the subject of a sentence, making communication clearer and more efficient. Without subjective pronouns, our sentences would sound repetitive and awkward. For example, instead of saying, “Maria is reading a book. Maria loves the book,” we can say, “Maria is reading a book. She loves it.”
What Are Subjective Pronouns?
Subjective pronouns are words like I, you, he, she, it, we, they. They refer to people, animals, or things and are used as the subject of a sentence. Here’s a breakdown:
- I: Refers to the person speaking.
- Example: “I am happy.”
- You: Refers to the person being spoken to.
- Example: “You are kind.”
- He/She/It: Refers to a third person (male, female, or neutral).
- Example: “He is tall.” / “She is smart.” / “It is raining.”
- We: Refers to the speaker and others.
- Example: “We are going to the park.”
- They: Refers to a group of people, animals, or things.
- Example: “They are playing soccer.”
Why Are Subjective Pronouns Important?
They help avoid repetition by replacing nouns.
Without pronouns: “John is reading a book. John loves the book.”
With pronouns: “John is reading a book. He loves it.”
They make sentences shorter and easier to understand.
“The dog is barking. The dog is loud.”
“The dog is barking. It is loud.”
Subjective pronouns like they can be used to refer to non-binary individuals, promoting respect and inclusivity.
“Alex and Sarah are coming. They are bringing snacks.”
Examples in Context
First Person (I, We):
- “I love to read.”
- “We are going to the movies.”
Second Person (You):
- “You are my best friend.”
- “Are you coming to the party?”
Third Person (He, She, It, They):
- “He is a doctor.”
- “She loves chocolate.”
- “It is a beautiful day.”
- “They are studying for the test.”
Common Mistakes to Avoid
Using the wrong pronoun:
- Incorrect: “Her is my friend.”
- Correct: “She is my friend.”
Confusing subjective and objective pronouns:
- Incorrect: “Me and John went to the store.”
- Correct: “John and I went to the store.”
Subjective pronouns are fundamental to clear and effective communication. They help us express ourselves more naturally and respectfully. By understanding and using them correctly, we can improve our language skills and connect better with others. So, the next time you speak or write, pay attention to your pronouns—they matter more than you might think!
Subjective – Subjetivo
Pronouns – Pronomes
Replace – Substituir
Nouns – Substantivos
Subject – Sujeito
Communication – Comunicação
Clarity – Clareza
Efficiency – Eficiência
Inclusivity – Inclusividade
Respect – Respeito
Examples – Exemplos
Context – Contexto
Mistakes – Erros
Effective – Eficaz
Connect – Conectar
Leia o diálogo abaixo e responda as questões sobre o mesmo:
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No trecho “We should bring our dogs here together sometime”, o pronome “We” se refere a
(A) Anna e Bella.
(B) John e Bella.
(C) Anna e John.
(D) Os cachorros.
No trecho “They would have so much fun”, o pronome “They” se refere a
(A) Anna e John.
(B) Os cachorros.
(C) Anna e Bella.
(D) John e Bella.
Escolha 3 subjective pronouns (I, you, he, she, it, we, they) e crie frases criativas com cada um. Use situações do cotidiano, como escola, esportes ou hobbies.
Reescreva as frases abaixo, substituindo os substantivos destacados por pronomes do caso reto.
(A) Maria and Pedro are studying for the test.
(B) The cat is sleeping on the sofa.
(C) My friends and I are going to the movies.
(D) My mum loves cooking.
Complete a história abaixo usando os subjectives pronouns (I, you, he, she, it, we, they).
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Autoria | Profª Drª Sueidy Lourencio |
Formação | Letras: Português/Inglês – Doutorado em Educação |
Componente Curricular | Língua Inglesa |
Habilidades | (EF06LI01-B) Interagir com diferentes pares e em diferentes situações comunicativas, utilizando recursos linguísticos e estruturas com os pronomes pessoais do caso reto,para ampliar a produção oral. |
Referências | MAKAR, Barbara W. Primary Phonics. 1. ed. Chicago: Modern Curriculum Press, 2018. KOUSTAFF, Lesley. Oxford Discover. 2. ed. v. 1. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2018. FOLEY, Mike; HALL, Diane. New Total English Elementary student’s book, Essex: Pearson. Education Limited, 2011. |