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Língua Inglesa: Simple Past of the Verb To Be

Esta proposta de atividade de Língua Inglesa com base no DC/GO – Ampliado e é destinada aos estudantes do 5º Período do Ensino FundamentalAnos Finais.

Leia o texto a seguir e responda as questões sobre o mesmo:

In the past, “was” and “were” were the norm,

For “I” and “he” and “she” and “they” they’d perform,

“I was happy,” “he was sad,” we’d say,

Back then, it was the simple past tense way.

No longer used as much, but still we know,

That in the past, it was how we’d show,

That things were different then, we’d agree,

And so we’d say, “I was,” or “you were,” or “we were” in the simple past of “to be”.


Qual sujeito usa a forma “was” no tempo passado simples do verbo “to be”?

a) You, we, they

b) I, he, she, it

c) We, he, she, they

d) You, she, it


Por que usamos o passado simples do verbo “to be”?

a) Para descrever ações concluídas no passado.

b) Para descrever ações em andamento no passado.

c) Para descrever ações que acontecerão no futuro.

d) Para descrever ações que podem acontecer no futuro.


Escolha wasn’t ou weren’t:

a) I _______________ at the museum last friday.

b) We _____________ thirsty.

c) You ____________here the day before yesterday.

d) The book ___________ on the desk last week.

e) Your hands _____________ dirty last class.


Reescreva as frases usando a forma interrogativa:

Ex: They were absent yesterday  _  Were they absent yesterday?

a) You were at work. __________________________________

b) It was in the garden. ________________________________

c) They were worried. _________________________________

Lucy was present. __________________________________

His friend were late. ________________________________


Complete com respostas curtas (short answers).

Ex: A) Was Nick at your college?  B) No, he wasn’t.

A) Were they at the zoo?    B) Yes, __________

A) Was the test easy?        B) Yes, __________

A) Was Sam with you?         B) No,  __________

A) Were you angry?           B) Yes, __________

A )Were the tickets cheap?  B) No, __________

Saiba Mais:

Assista ao vídeo abaixo sobre cinco invenções que tornaram o mundo moderno e responda as perguntas sobre o mesmo.

Canal: Teacher Sueidy Lourencio “Five Inventions that made the modern world” Disponível em: <>, Acesso em 25 fev 2022.

Autoria:Profª Drª Sueidy Ferreira Lourencio
Formação:Letras Português/Inglês – Doutorado em educação
Componente Curricular:Inglês
Habilidade:(EF07LI05-A) Compor narrativas orais sobre fatos, acontecimentos e personalidades marcantes do passado, para desenvolver habilidades comunicativas.
Referencial Teórico:Simple Past Tense with verb TO BE. Disponível em: < , acesso em 15, Fev.2022.
MY ENGLISH PAGE. SIMPLE PAST: , acesso em 18, Fev.22
MAKAR, Barbara W. Primary Phonics. 1. ed. Chicago: Modern Curriculum Press, 2018.

KOUSTAFF, Lesley. Oxford Discover. 2. ed. v. 1. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2018.

KOUSTAFF, Lesley. Oxford Discover. 2. ed. v. 2. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2018.

Liveworksheets: , acessado em 15, Fev. 22