Esta proposta de atividade de Língua Inglesa com base no DC/GO – Ampliado e é destinada aos estudantes do 8º Ano do Ensino Fundamental Anos Finais.

Veja as imagens abaixo e escolha a frase que melhor representa cada imagem.
a) They are going to write a story.
b) They are going to watch TV.
c) They are going to take the bus
d) They are going to eat pizza.
a) They are going to write a story.
b) They are going to watch TV.
c) They are going to take the bus
d) They are going to eat pizza.
a) She is going to write a story.
b) She is going to watch TV.
c) She is going to take the bus
d) She is going to eat pizza.
QUESTION 4 , acesso em 23, Fev. 2022
a) He is going to write a story.
b) He is going to watch TV.
c) He is going to take the bus
d) He is going to eat pizza.
Leia o texto e responda as questões sobre o mesmo:
In the realm of upcoming plans and intentions, the ‘going to’ future tense plays a vital role in expressing our purposeful endeavors. It is used to articulate well-thought-out plans and decisions that have already been set in motion. This tense is characterized by its formation, involving the subject followed by a form of the verb ‘to be’ (am, is, are) and then ‘going to’ followed by the base form of the main verb. It provides a sense of determination and certainty as we describe what we are actively preparing for and committed to doing. Whether it’s personal goals, career aspirations, or exciting adventures, the ‘going to’ future tense offers a glimpse into the deliberate steps we are taking towards the goals we’ve set for ourselves.
Qual é o propósito do tempo verbal “going to” no contexto das intenções futuras?
Como é formado o tempo verbal “going to”? Explique os elementos que o compõem.
Você sabia que em inglês o going to possue um uso informal? Essa expressão é muito usada no inglês falado e em músicas. Clique no link abaixo e confira. Ao ouvir, substitua a expressão informal pela formal, going to.
You’re Going To Lose That Girl
The Beatles
You’re ________________ lose that girl
(Yes, yes, you’re ________________ lose that girl)
You’re ________________ lose that girl
(Yes, yes, you’re ________________ lose that girl)
If you don’t take her out tonight
She’s ________________ change her mind
(She’s ________________ change her mind)
And I will take her out tonight
And I will treat her kind
(I’m ________________ treat her kind)
You’re ________________ lose that girl
(Yes, yes, you’re ________________ lose that girl)
You’re ________________ lose that girl
(Yes, yes, you’re ________________ lose that girl)
If you don’t treat her right, my friend
You’re ________________ find her gone
(You’re ________________ find her gone)
‘Cause I will treat her right, and then
You’ll be the lonely one
(You’re not the only one)
You’re ________________ lose that girl
(Yes, yes, you’re ________________ lose that girl)
You’re ________________ lose that girl
(Yes, yes, you’re ________________ lose that girl)
You’re ________________ lose that girl
(Yes, yes, you’re ________________ lose that girl)
I’ll make a point
Of taking her away from you
(Watch what you do)
The way you treat her what else can I do?
(You’re ________________ lose that girl)
(You’re ________________ lose that girl)
You’re ________________ lose that girl
(Yes, yes, you’re ________________ lose that girl)
You’re ________________ lose that girl
(Yes, yes, you’re ________________ lose that girl)
You’re ________________ lose
(Yes, yes, you’re ________________ lose that girl)
I’ll make a point
Of taking her away from you
(Watch what you do)
The way you treat her what else can I do?
If you don’t take her out tonight
She’s ________________ change her mind
(She’s ________________ change her mind)
And I will take her out tonight
And I will treat her kind
(I’m ________________ treat her kind)
You’re ________________ lose that girl
(Yes, yes, you’re ________________ lose that girl)
You’re ________________ lose that girl
(Yes, yes, you’re ________________ lose that girl)
You’re ________________ lose
(Yes, yes, you’re ________________ lose that girl)
Autoria: | Profª Dra Sueidy Ferreira Lourencio |
Formação: | Letras Portuguese/Inglês – Doutorado em Educação |
Componente Curricular: | Língua Inglesa |
Habilidade: | (EF08LI01-A) Apontar e usar recursos linguísticos para evitar e/ou resolver mal-entendidos, emitir opiniões e esclarecer informações sobre sonhos e projetos pessoais e profissionais sobre o futuro, por meio de paráfrase ou justificativas |
Referencial Teórico | FUTURE WITH GOING TO. Disponível em: < , acesso em 25, Fev.2022. Canal Teacher Sueidy Lourencio:, acesso em 22, Fev. 2022. Liveworksheets: , acessado em 15, Fev. 22 ISLCOLLETION. FUTURE PLANS. Disponível em: , acesso em 22, Fev. 2022. MAKAR, Barbara W. Primary Phonics. 1. ed. Chicago: Modern Curriculum Press, 2018. KOUSTAFF, Lesley. Oxford Discover. 2. ed. v. 1. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2018. KOUSTAFF, Lesley. Oxford Discover. 2. ed. v. 2. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2018. |