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Língua Inglesa: Physical and Psychological Characteristics

Esta proposta de atividade de LÍNGUA INGLESA é destinada aos estudantes do 6º Período da Educação de Jovens e Adultos – EJA.

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Physical and Psychological Characteristics

Every individual is unique, and their distinctiveness can be observed through a combination of physical and psychological characteristics. Physical characteristics are the observable traits or features of a person, such as their height, weight, hair color, and facial features. Psychological characteristics, on the other hand, pertain to the mental and emotional aspects of a person, including their personality, intelligence, and emotional responses.

Physical Characteristics

Physical characteristics are often the first things we notice about someone. These include features such as:

  • Height and Build: People can be tall, short, or of average height. They may have a slim, athletic, or robust build.
  • Hair Color and Texture: Hair can be black, brown, blonde, red, or gray. Its texture can vary from straight to curly or wavy.
  • Facial Features: This includes eye color (blue, green, brown, etc.), nose shape, and the presence of freckles or dimples.
  • Skin Tone: Skin tones range from very light to very dark, with a variety of shades in between.
  • Other Features: This could include unique characteristics like birthmarks, tattoos, or scars.

These physical traits contribute to the diversity of human appearance and can sometimes provide information about a person’s background or heritage.

Psychological Characteristics

Psychological characteristics delve deeper into what makes a person who they are on the inside. These include:

  • Personality Traits: These are enduring patterns of behavior and attitudes that characterize a person. For example, someone might be extroverted, enjoying social interactions and being the center of attention, or introverted, preferring solitude and quiet.
  • Intelligence: This is the ability to learn, understand, and apply information to solve problems. It can manifest in various ways, such as logical-mathematical intelligence, linguistic intelligence, or emotional intelligence.
  • Emotional Responses: How a person reacts to different situations emotionally is a crucial psychological characteristic. Some people are naturally optimistic and resilient, while others may be more prone to stress or anxiety.
  • Values and Beliefs: These shape a person’s worldview and influence their decisions and actions. Values and beliefs can be deeply personal and are often shaped by cultural, religious, and familial influences.
  • Motivations: What drives a person to act in certain ways? Motivations can be intrinsic, such as a personal passion for a hobby, or extrinsic, like working hard to earn a promotion.

Both physical and psychological characteristics are integral to understanding the complexity of human beings. While physical characteristics can be immediately visible, psychological characteristics often require more time and interaction to be fully understood. Together, they form the holistic profile of an individual, contributing to their identity and how they interact with the world around them.

In any social setting, recognizing and appreciating the diversity in both physical and psychological characteristics can lead to a more inclusive and empathetic society. Understanding these aspects not only helps in better interpersonal relationships but also fosters a deeper appreciation for the unique qualities that each person brings to the table.

Vocabulary List:

Distinctiveness – Singularidade

Observable – Observável

Traits – Características

Height – Altura

Build – Constituição física

Texture – Textura

Enduring – Duradouro

Resilient – Resiliente

Worldview – Visão de mundo

Intrinsic – Intrínseco

Extrinsic – Extrínseco

Promoting – Promovendo

Holistic – Holístico

Interpersonal – Interpessoal

Appreciation – Apreciação


A característica física de alguém que tem cabelos loiros, em inglês, é:

(A) brunette 

(B) bedhead 

(C) blonde 

(D) black

Leia a história em quadrinhos abaixo e responda as questões sobre a mesma: 



No diálogo entre os personagens da história em quadrinhos, as características físicas  destacadas são

(A) cabelo liso, olhos azuis.
(B) cabelo ondulado, sem óculos.
(C) cabelo cacheado, óculos.
(D) cabelo curto, sem óculos.


No diálogo entre os personagens da história em quadrinhos, as características psicológicas destacadas são 

(A) introvertido, pessimista.
(B) sensível, ansioso.
(C) resiliente, otimista.
(D) teimoso, negativo.


Relacione cada adjetivo da coluna A com o apropriado substantivo da coluna B.


Escreva um parágrafo em inglês, descrevendo uma pessoa que você admira. Inclua pelo menos três características físicas e três características psicológicas no seu texto.

AutoriaProfª Drª Sueidy Lourencio
FormaçãoLetras Portuguese/Inglês – Doutorado em Educação
Componente CurricularInglês
Objetivos de aprendizagem e desenvolvimento(EJALI0619) Ampliar o repertório lexical sobre características físicas, psicológicas, objetos, cidades e animais
ReferênciasBRASIL. Ministério da Educação. Base Nacional Comum Curricular. Brasília, 2018.Goiânia. Documento Curricular Eja – 2023. Educação Física. Secretaria Municipal de Educação e Esporte. 2023Goiânia. Documento Curricular Para a Rede Municipal de Educação de Goiânia – EJA. Secretaria Municipal de Educação e Esporte. 2023Goiânia. Organização Pedagógica da EJA – 2023. Secretaria Municipal de Educação e Esporte. 2022Lei Federal n. 8069, de 13 de Julho de 1990. ECA – Estatuto da Criança e do Adolescente.GLENDINNING, Eric; POHL, Alison. Oxford English for Careers: Technology 2: Student’s Book. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2011.SWEENEY, Simon. English for Business Communication. 2nd ed. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2003.